Link to project:
I believe that there can come into existence some sort of media platform where physical
book lovers and tablet connoisseurs a like and come together and healthily discuss why or why
not they prefer said form of their common interest; reading! This blog will aid in creating or
adding possibilities to this narrative and hopefully provide an outlet where the opposing views
can be met with the best of what the web 2.0 world has to offer. The ability of leaving comments
on these platforms is crucial to the overall growth of the topic I’m exploring for this project. It’s
rather difficult to find a middle ground where both sides of the spectrum are argued and
presented fairly. The comment section in is really the only space where conflicting ideologies are
seen in context with one another in hopes of growth for the medium in question. Thus, I will be
the utilizing the Read/Write culture in my project and allowing for continuation for the hopefully
active participates in convergence culture. This, to me, provides a general outlet where my topic
is accepted, appreciated, and explored further in a fun, interactive way. The two sides of this
conversation are very biased and closed-minded. For example, on the side for e-readers,
Kozlowski (2014) states, “Many readers cite the price of eBooks as one of the primarily aspects
of why they choose to read digitally”. On the opposing side in favor of physical books, as Baron
(2015) states, “Readers are human. If you dangle distractions in front of us (or if we know they
are just a click or swipe away), it’s hard not to take the bait”. There will probably never be a
middle ground here, considering the extremes of both sides. But by allowing said groups of
people can interact with one another through this blog, there could potentially be a proactive and
useful conversation started. The blog will be very user friendly, clearly enabling the active
members to understand the layout, leave as many comments as they like, and ask lots of
questions. As well as incorporating memes for everyone to enjoy and possibly find a common
interest ground.
Kozlowski, M. (2014, October 26). EBooks vs Print – The Reasons Why Digital is Better.
Retrieved November 4, 2015, from
Baron, N. (2015, January 15). The case against e-readers: Why reading paper books is better for
your mind. Retrieved November 22, 2015, from
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