When I started this project, I thought I wanted to go in a
completely different direction. However, while hunting for video’s
for the other idea, I came across the Sarah McLachlan video on a
website, and instantly had my idea. I instantly knew that I really
wanted to change the video, and “queer” it up a bit.
In class we talked about how the media shapes gender roles, and
how the media reinforces those roles. However in my presentation
I tried to use gender roles in a different way, and go for shock
value, as absolutely no one is expecting my voice to come out of
Sarah McLachlan’s mouth. I hope that the shock of my voice will
intrigue and entice my audience into listening what my commercial
is about. Also, the juxtaposition of my voice on Sarah’s face
creates a different form of commercial, one that people are not as
used to seeing. By queering up the video, a new, different type of
argument is formed.
I also tried tapping into the attention economy idea a bit. I did
my best to make my commercial interesting and attention
grabbing by using the faces of famous politicians in the video, and
starting my commercial with a very intense, attention-grabbing
headline. I also tried to use a well-known commercial so that
people would be intrigued and watch. Also, as I mentioned above,
I tired to go for a little bit of shock value, in order to really capture
the attention of my viewers.
Additionally, I tried to tap into the idea’s we discussed about remix
in class. I took a well-known, well-parodied video and made
something completely unseen before, which to be honest feels
pretty neat. This video has been parodied by SNL and countless
other comedy shows, but that is exactly why I chose to use it; the
video and the content of the video are extremely well known. It is
much easier to make an argument through a remix if your
audience knows the original video. I also tried to follow a similar
format to the original video. I did this to maximize my own
arguments ethos; by making the internet seem weak and easily
attacked, I make my own argument (that we need to defend the
internet) even stronger.
Sources Cited:
Sarah McLachlan SPCA Commercial. (2008, November6). Retrieved November 23, 2015, from
Cruz, T. (2014, November 10). "net neutrality" [Photo and Caption
]. Retrieved from https://www.facebook.com/tedcruzpage/posts/1015283935592246
4 Liebelson, D. (2014, December 4). Rand Paul Opposes Net
Neutrality Rules: 'I Don't Want To See Regulation Of The
Internet'. Retrieved from
Finley, K. (2015, July 31). ISPs Unload Their Case Against Net
Neutrality Rules | WIRED. Retrieved from
Knutson, R., & Gryta, T. (2015, April 2). Telecoms Are Readying
Their Fight Against Net Neutrality - WSJ. Retrieved from
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