· Social media especially Facebook for example in Egypt has effected the people there and gave them the power to get together and fight against the government.
· I.E Hosni stayed as the president for 30 years.
· From being President to a victim into jail forever.
2.) The argument
· How social media played the major goal of reaching out the people’s needs where it helped them to get together at Altahrir square.
3.) My media is going to be some photos that I take and modify it in a way that show my point and some videos that I put together at the end to come out with a video that will be my final output for the project
· Social media not always saying the truth
· For example, Aljazeera (pic0) lied a lot about what’s going on in Egypt. Aljazeera showed the opposite of what’s really going on (the picture down is the support)
· The first picture where the man is holding a sing is saying “Fall of Aljazeera Chanel) The Egyptian people were mas against Aljazeera because of their lies.
· The second picture is also a lie, where Aljazeera kept the same picture in two different times and lied about the contents.
I am so excited to see how this turns out. One of my best friends is a first generation Egyptian American and wrote a research paper on this exact topic! I realize that I am limited in my experience with media, meaning almost all media I consume is American. I am interested to see how you manipulate these images. The accuracy of history is such a fascinating topic, especially globally, that I have explored briefly in art history too! Good luck and can't wait to see how it turns out :)