Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Max - Final Presentation

My final topic is about Coral Bleaching. Many of the world’s coral reefs are struggling or
dying. Currently we are in the third massive bleaching event in human recorded history.
Coral Bleaching is caused by unusually warm or cold water that stays around for longer
periods of time. Due to the fact that the water surrounding the coral is staying outside the
healthy temperature range for the coral for a longer time period, the coral does not get a
chance to recover as it often does when it is able to return to that ideal range. The
bleaching of the coral is when the coral turns white. This is caused by being outside of
the ideal temperature range causing the coral to become stressed and expel an algae
called zooxanthellae. It is the symbiotic relationship that coral has with algae that gives
the coral their color.
It is vital for the human race around the world to try our hardest in maintaining healthy
reef ecosystems. The human race needs to try and lower carbon emissions and overall
reduce greenhouse gases and factors that cause climate change. People need to act now
on trying to come up with ways to save the coral reef by trying to combat Coral
Bleaching. Simply things such as not touching the reef when diving or snorkeling and not
dumping waste into the ocean can have a positive effect on reefs. Climate change is the
biggest contributor to coral bleaching and thus figuring out a way to combat it is going to

be the best chance humans have in terms of saving our coral reefs. I believe that many
people are writing this off as not a serious issue that demands a lot of attention. While it
may not be on the forefront of peoples’ minds now, when the reefs start to die off in the
near future, many people will have regret and remorse for not acting sooner. In
conclusion, people need to invest a lot of time and money now to try and prevent coral
bleaching and having healthy coral reefs, as sustainability is becoming increasingly
important in our growing and over-populated world.
I am making a Prezi presentation for my final project. I decided to take this path, as I
believe it will allow me to portray my topic with a nice balance of written and visual
media. I hope to be able to communicate the significance of the topic through the various
components of my project. I think that with the different media platforms that I include in
my project, my viewers will be able to engage with Coral Bleaching on a deeper level
and hopefully want to get involved with the topic.
I was going to show what I have done on my Prezi to help explain my topic. My Prezi has
a YouTube explanation video of my topic, some facts about my topic and some pictures.
The link to my Prezi is…

1 comment:

  1. Max,

    Coral Bleaching really is an unfortunate thing that is occurring in our world today. It is very difficult to get a large audience to get this message across. However, the only place to start is awareness and your presentation of a public prezi presentation would work as such. I hope that you will in-cooperate some sort of video within the presentation, as well as many visuals to present to someone who doesn't what it is and allow them to understand it. After all, many countries around the world Heavily rely on coastal reefs and their involvement in a healthy oceanic ecosystem. Without it, their only food source would not exist, causing widespread deaths and a huge imbalance in the ecosystems.
