Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Drew - Final Presentation

1. Summary:
Vive Le Monde: I do not mean to take away from the support of the tragedy that occured in Paris, however there are similar attrocities that occur around the world on a regular basis that are completely disregarded by media and the citizens of the world. By taking the currently popular Facebook button that makes profile pictures have the French flag laid over them, and instead overlaying the flags on 8 other countries that have had attacks with similar or greater death tolls in recent months I hope to bring attention to these attacks that have happened in mainly Middle Eastern countries that many of us have been desensitized to as they happen so often. 

Satanic Starbucks: In recent weeks a group of ultra conservative Christians have attacked Starbucks, a simple coffee company with no religious ties, for making their annual holiday cups have a minimalist design instead of the usual snowflakes and holiday decorations. My design of black cups, with the worlds "Hail Satan" as well as a pentagram, the satanic symbol, on the shows my fight against the stupidity that is the care of how a cup effects your religious agenda. 

2. Thesis: The response to specific current events has created a division of perspective on the issues. While humans are entitled to their own opinions, they tend to disregard the bigger picture of what the issue involves instead focusing on what they can relate to.

3. What Do You Want To See The Project Accomplish: I hope for my projects to bring light to 2 very different situations that are occurring right now in popular culture. I wish for my Vive Le Monde picture to not take away from the support France is receiving, but to bring attention to atrocities around the world that should receive equal recognition and aid. For my Starbucks project I hope my photo brings to light that the religious orientation of a beverage holder should not intimidate or infuriate its consumers as it is simply a container. 


  1. Drew,

    I love the direction you have here and it certainly is a shame that we were so focused on one country when 8 others suffered on that unfortunate day. We all seem to forget that the world suffers, and not just one country at a time. This solidarity movement only fuels the fire of that which when turn our heads away from. Why do we care about what goes on a stupid cup? I will tell you why. This is because we are so caught up in the materialistic and narcissistic ideas that society projects that we no longer care for the "greater good". You have picked a wonderful topic and the message is in fact evident. Great job.

  2. I find your project to be extremely enlightening and interesting. I agree wholeheartedly with your argument and I believe that it is sad that we are so desensitized to more issues than those occurring in a country that shares our nature. France and the terrorist attack is absolutely disgusting and terrible, but we cannot forget the other attacks that happen in other places around the world. Your cup picture is phenomenal and I think it is hysterical how insane people are that they need decals on a cup. Why can't people be happy with themselves and live their own lives. Nice work.

  3. This topic is one that infuriates me as well! As a culture, we were more invested in "protecting the meaning of christmas" while there are many more issues that need the same kind of unified force that spoke out against starbucks to be solved. This is a great application of popular culture as we have analyzed in class. The coverage of the events in France versus that of other disasters applies to our lesson in what media decides to point its lens at. We as consumers of the news media platforms are given the cues to mourn for France, which is also needed, however disregards the other disasters that took place or even the fact that France bombed Syrian cities inhabited by innocent citizens in response. Media coverage is severely biased and this project sheds light on this malpractice.
