Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Emma - Final Presentation

The topic that my final project focused on was gender and the media, specifically focusing on the way women are portrayed in the media. 
  • The way women are shown in the media is very calculated
  • Very different than men in the media

The thesis argument is that the way women are shown, specifically in print advertisements, is negative.
  • It is negative for both the way women see themselves as well as the way men view women
  • Hurts women in their fight for equal rights
  • Hyper sexualized
  • Made into objects

My final project is a female mannequin body that has been collaged with images of women in the media, specifically women in print advertisements.
  • Shows how overly sexual they are
  • How women are shown to view themselves
  • How contradictory the messages can often be in the media


  1. Emma, the physical use of a mannequin as your platform is extremely creative, and even more imposes the importance of your overall message. You should definitely think about posting pictures of it online for others to see outside of this class. A tangible representation such as yours could prove very successful for helping others to understand even more the sexualization of women as objects. Nicely done!

  2. I think it is extremely interesting that you chose to use a mannequin. It gives your project an entirely different meaning than if it would have simply been done on paper.
